Rhinoplasty is the most general surgery conducted on flat nose that
creates natural and beautiful nose using implant and autologous tissue.
Rhinoplasty technique in Top Class adjusts the height of the nose using implants
(Silicone, Gore-Tex, Gore-Sili) and autologous tissues (autologous cartilage collected
from nasal septum, ear cartilage, and rib cartilage) are transplanted to the nose
column at the nasal tip. This creates more alive sensation to the nose bridge as well
as the line of the nasal tip.
Case01Stubby nose tip and low nose cartilage is augmented
using septal cartilage.
Nasal is augmented and nose bridge is then
augmented accordingly.

Case02Nasal tip and bridge are augmented naturally
when the overall growth of the nose is relatively weak.

Case03Sufficient growth of the nose tip cartilage gives rather
dramatic and refined change.

Case04Uneven Nasal column is smoothened and nasolabial
angle (an angle created by nose tip – upper lip)
is then optimized.

Case053D rhinoplasty creates a refined line

Case06Giving more dimension to short and
stubby nose can correct protruded lips

Case07Nasal column supports the nose tip and the nose
bridge is then augmented according to the shape and
the height of the nose tip.

Case08Nose tip Surgery using only autologous tissues gives
augmented and soft nose tip shape and natural
rhinoplasty effect.

Case09Rhinoplasty for men emphasize the masculine line
from eyebrows to the tip of the nose.

Case10Rhinoplasty for men connects the line from eyebrows
to the tip of the nose with single line without upturning
the tip of the nose.。

Case11Wide nose bridge that gives masculine image can be
corrected by moving the nasal bone to the middle with
osteotomy along with nose tip surgery.

Case12Wide nasal bone is corrected with osteotomy and
the tip of the nose is corrected accordingly.



Augments the droopy Nasal tip and connects the alar cartilage to reduce the volume of the nose.


Hooked nose can be changed into Refined and sharp image only by changing the direction of droopy nose tip


Augmented nose column using rib cartilage gives shaper and three-dimensional image