Hooked Nose Surgery

Hooked Nose is where certain part of nose is protruding
outward, and the surgical procedure to cut the protruded
portion is needed.

Hooked Nose Surgery

Depending on the circumstances, rhinoplasty is carried out or nose tip is
corrected is at the same time. There are differences according to severity
of the hooked nose, but hooked nose generally creates a strong impression
and makes the face look flat that may act as a factor that prevents a good
image of a person. Hooked nose is generally created naturally (overgrowth)
or acquired (injury).

Hooked Nose Surgery Technique in Top Class

Protruded portion in hooked nose is made up of nasal bone and cartilage. In order to get rid of the hooked nose, it is necessary to remove not only
the hard bone, but also the soft cartilage to prevent the re-occurrence.
Also, Depressor Septi Nasi Muscle is developed on the tip of the hooked
nose that pulled the tip. Thus, it is necessary to weaken this muscle and
augment the tip of the nose with septal cartilage column.

Before/After the Hooked Nose Surgery


Case01 Before and After


Case02 Before and After

No implants are used for the surgery when the hooked nose is combined with high eyebrows.
Hooked portion in the middle of the nose is removed and osteotomy is carried out on both sides of the nasal
bone to elevate the nose bridge. Also, autologous cartilage is used to augment the tip of the nose.


Case03 Before and After


Case04 Before and After

Before/After the Surgery II


Case01 Before and After


Case02 Before and After

In case of hooked nose with low eyebrows, thin implant is inserted after hooked portion is
completely removed. Autologous cartilage is then used to augment the tip of the nose.


Case03 Before and After


Case04 Before and After

Before/After the Surgery III


Case01 Before and After


Case02 Before and After

When severe deformation on the tip of the nose is combined with hooked nose, septal cartilage
or rib cartilage is used to create the nasal cartilage column.
It effectively supports the tip of the nose and weakens the muscles that pull the tip of the nose.


Case03 Before and After


Case04 Before and After


Case05 Before and After


Case06 Before and After

TOP CLASS Plastic Surgery


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