There are many different types for thick calves.
Several options for the surgery are available
according to each type.

Legs and calves are body parts that are exposed the most frequently
among women’s body line.
Beautiful line give perfect fit regardless the clothes, and this is more
visible when women are wearing short outfits such as miniskirts.
Muscular or fat legs are the factors that hides beautiful body line.
Leg types are generally categorized as muscular/fat (swelling) type
legs and both types can appear at the same time as complex type.
Beautiful Bodyline
Unique KNOW-HOW only in TOPCLASS
Skinny Non-incision
Nerve Block Technique
calf muscles with blocked nerves naturally go through the shrinking process and become slimmer
- 01Boundary between inner/outer gastrocnemius is designed
- 02Upper boundary at inner/outer gastrocnemius is checked
- 03Lower boundary at inner/outer gastrocnemius and
the location where the muscle is most obvious
during the muscle contraction are designed - 04Location where high-frequency needle is going to
be inserted is checked
- 05Design is checked again
- 06Find an exact target nerve for catagenesis that is in
charge of controlling muscles - 07Catagenesis is carried out using high-frequency electricity
- 08Catagenesis is done on exact target nerve and muscle
catagenesis is visible
- 01Nerve is blocked by small current on the calf that
controls gastrocnemius - 02Muscles where the nerves are blocked becomes slimmer
through natural shrinking
- 03Effect is visible right after the surgery and the patients
can return to their normal life the day after the surgery - 04No need of special post-operative care other than wearing pressure
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